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There will be a LIVESTREAM of all plenary sessions. Please use this link to dial-in:


The event, hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), will foster international exchange on the implementation of climate mitigation measures and low-emission development strategies in agriculture, set new priorities and ideas for research cooperation and give new impetus to existing and emerging network activities. It is co-organised by GRA (Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases), CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) and the German Federal Research Institute Thuenen.


A series of side events are planned at the conference venue on 24th October, including in connection with various GRA and CGIAR activities.
For more information see here.


We acknowledge the in-kind support from the Agri-DENZ and the RessortForschtKlima projects for the AgriGHG-2024 symposium.

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